3 Hour Rental
Cancellation Policy
CANCELLATIONS: In the event the renter cancels prior to the date of the event, Noblesville Preservation Alliance, Inc. will refund 100% of the payment if canceled 7 days prior to the event. (No refund if canceled less than 7 days prior to the event.) TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PRESERVATION HALL RENTALS: Renter and Renter’s guests hereby releases Noblesville Preservation Alliance from all liability from any accident, damage or injury caused to person or property on or about the rented premises, whether due to negligence on the part of Noblesville Preservation Alliance and notwithstanding whether such act or omissions be active or passive. Noblesville Preservation Alliance is not responsible for damages to, or loss of any article or personal belonging of the renter or renter’s guests. Renter agrees not to serve, sell or permit the sale of any alcoholic beverages in Preservation Hall unless: - Renter engages a caterer holding a valid license and liquor liability insurance. (Proof of license and liability insurance must be provided to Noblesville Preservation Alliance.) - Renter is an individual providing Homeowners Liability Certificate of Insurance naming NPA as a Certificate Holder. - Renter is an organization providing a Certificate of Insurance naming NPA as an Additional Insured. - Renter hires a licensed bartender carrying their own liquor liability policy that will provide a Certificate of Insurance naming NPA as an Additional Insured. NOTE: IF ALCOHOL POLICY IS VIOLATED, A $100 FEE WILL BE CHARGED AND FUTURE RENTALS WILL BE CANCELED. Renter agrees not to permit smoking anywhere on the inside of Preservation Hall. Renter agrees to be responsible for loss or damage of any equipment, décor or furnishings within Preservation Hall, or on external NPA property. Renter agrees to place all trash in designated receptacles following the event, remove all decorations, signs and leave the premises in the condition in which it was found before the event. Renter agrees to pay Noblesville Preservation Alliance $10 per hour for any janitorial services that were incurred due to the lack of proper clean up by the renter. No nails, tack, staples, or tape permitted on tables, chairs, counters, walls, floors or ceiling, unless approved by Noblesville Preservation Alliance.
Contact Details
Preservation Hall - Noblesville Preservation Alliance, Logan Street, Noblesville, IN, USA